The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) is a VA program which provides assistance to very low-income Veterans and their families residing in or transitioning to permanent housing. SSVF affiliates provide a range of financial assistance and supportive services designed to promote housing stability.
Financial assistance can include help with back rent, mortgage or utility payments for families struggling to remain in their homes. For veterans and their families who have lost their housing, SSVF may provide financial aid with rental and utility security deposits and initial rental payments. Support services can range from assistance with transportation; child care; linkage to medical care, behavioral healthcare and recovery services for veterans experiencing PTSD and other effects of combat; and other services to help the veterans and their family re-establish financial stability and self-sufficiency.
1) Individual/Head of household or his/her spouse must be a United States veteran who served in active military, naval, or air service and discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
2) Individual/Family must fall below 50% of area median income
3) Must be currently homeless OR imminently at risk of becoming homeless
4) Must reside or plan to reside in the service area
Call or email to be connected with a Delaware SSVF Case Manager.
The Veterans Multi-Service Center (VMC) exists solely to "serve those who served" this great nation, our Veterans. We are the only non-profit agency in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas that provides a comprehensive resource center available to all Veterans in need.
A consistently top-rated non-profit, the VMC has been selected by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to mentor and guide other non-profit agencies in delivering services to Veterans because of its long standing experience and established level of program excellence.
The Veterans Multi-Service Center now offers SSVF services in New Castle, Kent and Sussex Counties.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 302-668-7331