Higher Education
Resources for scholorships, grants, financial aid, and continuing education.
Contact Information
Delaware Higher Education Office
Townsend Building
401 Federal St., Ste. 2
Dover, DE 19901
Email: dheo@doe.k12.de.us
Phone: 302-735-4120
Toll Free: 1-800-292-7935
Fax: 302-739-5894
Diploma-At-A-Distance Program
The Delaware Center for DAdult Education (16+) provides workforce development programming that includes academic skills, career development, and the promotion of life-long learning. Founded as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to create an opportunity for Delaware adults without a high school credential to earn a James H. Groves High School diploma.
College, Scholarships and Financial Aid
This resource at the Delaware Department of Education lists partnerships, grants, a variety of scholarships, professional incentive programs, graduate resources, private scholarships, and more.
Online Application for Delaware Aid
Online system for applying to receive a variety of scholarships and grants through (and/or affiliated with) The State of Delaware. Signup is free.
Delaware Universities & Colleges

Delaware is home to eight colleges and universities. Five of Delawares higher learning institutions are private, while three are public. All eight are regionally accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.
Financial Aid & Related Information
Now more than ever, it's important for parents and students to formulate a plan for paying for school, including personal finances, student loans, government grants and private scholarships. The links below can assist in developing that plan.
Considering a post-graduate career in professional services? Whether it is law, education, the arts or another vocation requiring a professional license, these links below will guide you to the information you need.
Seminars & Training
Staying current on the latest information and developments is an important step in any career. Seminars and training are part of any far-reaching career path.
Delaware Fire School
The Delaweare State Fire School provides training in Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Training as well as Public Fire Safety Education